Positive Case Reporting
Confirmed Case Reporting - Rainbow Room
I write to confirm a recent confirmed case in Rainbow Room. The possible exposure day was last week (Thursday 16th) - morning and afternooon sessions) and all children are exempt from isolation, even if identified as a close contact. No action is required unless your child becomes symptomatic.
All staff deemed to have had close contact with the confirmed case are also exempt from self-isolation, having completed their vaccinations more than two weeks ago.
Control measures will still apply if any of the below thresholds are crossed:
10% or more of the class/year/bubble group test positive within 10 days
5 or more of the class/year/bubble group test positive within 10 days
10% of the whole staff team test positive within 10 days
As the risk of transmission between children remains high, we ask that all parents continue to be vigilant and ensure that children demonstrating any of the primary symptoms are tested for Coronavirus immediately and do not attend the Centre if there is any reason to suspect they may be unwell.
As per Public Health policy, children with a temperature of 37.8C or above any new or severe symptom of respiratory illness should not attend nursery, even if they have tested negative for Coronavirus or do not meet the Coronavirus testing thresholds.
Kind Regards,