Early Years Anti-Racist Practice Hub

Easton Community Children’s Centre has been recognised for it’s impact on anti-racist practise and therefore prides itself as an Early Years Anti-Racism Hub.

Whilst there is always more work to do to become equitable, we strive to take steps to support our community to unpick practices and provide our children with effective tools to navigate the world as a global citizen.

We work as part of the Race Equality Working Group in Bristol, alongside Bristol City Council, Health, BAND and other Organisations to network and create a shared vision for Bristol:

‘Our aim as a network of professional working across the Early Years sector in Bristol is to collate a cohesive network that works together to progress the race equalities agenda in a joined up and strategic manner, to disseminate knowledge and practice, which has an impact on experience and outcomes.’


Delivering training

‘A Sense of Belonging, Not just Fitting in’

Due to our outstanding contribution to Dimension 8 of the Bristol Standard ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’, we were asked to present at their conference.

Since then, we have been asked to deliver presentations on the topic to over 10 venues, including Early Years Managers meetings, SEND conferences and Training sessions for Childminders.

We also held a Stronger Practice Hub Open Day for local practitioners. Feedback included: https://beyth.co.uk/2024/12/18/case-study-focus-on-edi-and-belonging/

If you think your setting would benefit from hearing about our practices, please get in touch with Izzy, on iruddick@eastonccc.org.uk.


BAND Anti-Racism Policy & Procedure


Easton Community Children’s Centre have contributed to BAND’s Anti-Racism Policy and Procedure.

This is a template policy and procedure that will be accessible to all Bristol Early Years and Play settings.

In the policy, we share our procedure for dealing with a discriminatory incident. Which can be used as a supportive tool to both:

Comfort and reinforce positive messaging to a child who may have been adversely affected


Guide a young child who is perpetuating bias, through a journey of scaffolded learning and challenge to shape positive attitudes


Bristol Early Years Forum for Anti-Racist Practice

Easton Community Children’s Centre, alongside Hotwells Children’s House founded Bristol Early Years Forum for Anti-Racist Practice. We are now joined by Dr. Shaddai Tembo and provide a supportive space to discuss, reflect and act on our anti-racist practice.

Find out more on our website: https://www.bristolearlyyearsforumforanti-racistpractice.co.uk/



Next steps…

RACE EQUALITY TOOLKIT - Working alongside Bristol City Council and other organisations, we are working on an audit tool for settings to use to evaluate practices and set achievable targets.