Autumn Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thought it might help to clarify the position around exclusions and Covid-19 testing as we get into the Autumn.

A single confirmed case in a child who has attended the Centre up to two days before being symptomatic will now unavoidably close the entire year group (room) for two weeks, depriving up to 50 families of all childcare provision and causing the Centre further operational and financial difficulties. As such, we must ask all families to exercise extreme caution with children who they have any reason to believe may be infected. A tiny number of confirmed cases could completely close the Centre - so please do not take any risks with attendance, however problematic keeping children off may be.

Testing and results are currently delayed in many areas, which may mean that exclusions of up to 14 days for symptomatic children and staff will need to be served. Exclusions for symptomatic children without a negative test result are currently 10 days excluding the day of onset, but the rest of the household must isolate for 14 days – effectively excluding the child for this period too. Incidents of either symptom observed at home must also be reported to us. We appreciate that protracted exclusions for unclear cases will be extremely challenging for many, but it is important that all families understand that we cannot exercise much discretion. If a child presents either a sustained high temperature (>39C for several hours - but potentially lower depending on circumstances) or new continuous cough, we are formally required to exclude them until the isolation period has passed or a negative test result is confirmed. Although there is a very small margin for discretion where there is clear and highly likely alternative explanation for the child’s symptoms, this does not mean that blanket exemptions can be granted or borderline cases ignored. To best protect public health and ensure compliance with the complex new regulations, we must err on the side of caution in all cases.

The other side of this situation is that we will face similar frustrations with extended exclusions for symptomatic staff. We have rebuilt some resilience in staffing capacity, as well as being able to call on our bank staff team – however there may still come a time where we are unable to provide normal service in either individual rooms or the whole Centre. Staff shortages may occur with little or no notice, but we will try to manage absence and communication restrictions with you as proactively as possible. Notice will be given whenever possible, but please be aware that these extraordinary circumstances mean that we cannot completely rule out children being turned away when arriving for sessions.  

The Centre’s charging policy is unchanged – any session that is not offered due to room closure will not be billed, but sessions missed due to sickness or self-isolation/exclusion remain chargeable. We understand that complying with the government’s exclusion requirements will likely cause significant disruption to families and the Centre until faster testing can be restored. We will endeavour to maintain provision wherever possible and ask for your understanding and flexibility during the months ahead.

 Kind Regards,
