Dear All,
On 02/07, the Government announced wider reopening plans for Early Years settings. Both baby rooms are already back to normal capacity and Sunshine will be returning to ‘business as usual’ from 20/07.
Although the 'bubble' system is being relaxed, some problematic limits remain in place, such as year groups still being kept separate – something we cannot do in Rainbow. The new guidance also accepts that staffing availability remains limited and caps may have to be enforced to keep things workable. We have been asked to preserve keyworker places already taken up and to prioritise those going to school this year. As 24 of these older children are not currently able to attend, they will take up most if not all of the extra capacity that is created in Rainbow.
As such, we will not be able to welcome any additional three year old children over the summer. This change in national policy does however mean that Rainbow can go completely back to normal for all children from the start of September, which was previously starting to look unlikely.
Once all of the school leavers’ sessions have been confirmed, we will be able to see if any additional spaces are available in Rainbow for younger children. As these gaps are likely to be very limited, they will be allocated on a priority system, beginning with any additional key workers or vulnerable children. If you would like to be considered for a summer space in Rainbow on this basis, please contact me as soon as possible as final decisions will need to be made next week.
Kind Regards,