Coronavirus: Important Update

Dear All,

I am pleased to be able to say that we have no further positive cases since the now long-expired exclusions in Sunshine Room and the Centre has remained fully open throughout. Most staff were able to return as soon as they were allowed - and we are working with those who remain unwell to arrange a phased return to their duties.

However, new guidance published this week has resulted in a few changes to our approach. The Public Health focus has moved to preventing transmisson between adults, so:

  • Parents & carers are now required to wear face coverings in all areas of the Centre. Please ensure that your mask is in place before entering the building and do not remove it until you are outside again.

  • Parents are reminded that in order to maintain workable traffic within the building at peak times, staff cannot engage in conversation at pick-up or drop-off and parents must leave the rooms as quickly as possible at all times. Please do not stop to speak to other parents inside the building. We ask that you contact us by telephone (0117 9392550) or e-mail ( with any queries or updates.

  • All external visits and showrounds are paused until further notice. This effectively means no intake will be possible before the new year.

Best Wishes,
