Case Update

Dear All,

Here’s an update on Coronavirus cases at ECCC.

Over the weekend we received confirmation of two additional positive test results:

1x Staff Member in Tiny Tots - resulting in wider child exclusions over the same period as the existing restrictions. Results were slower in this case as it was a postal test. All impacted families have been contacted and can return later this week.

1x Staff Member in Sunshine - who did not attend the Centre during their potentially infectious period, so this case does not require any exclusions or restrictions.

All rooms remain open, but maintaining appropriate staffing is becoming increasingly difficult as we currently have 15 staff excluded due to both self-isolation from possible exposures here and at home where a family member is awaiting test results. We will endeavour to remain fully functional at all times, but please be aware that if required levels of qualified staff cannot be provided, some room closures will be necessary and these decisions may have to be made at very short notice.

We also ask that all families are extremely vigilant in ensuring that unwell children do not attend the Centre. Although we understand that balancing various priorities is very challenging for parents right now, it is vital that the number of cases (even false alarms) is reduced if the Centre is going to remain open through the winter and Spring terms.

Kind Regards,
